Sexual harassment may take many forms. Usually, it's clear and very uncomfortable. Sometimes, though, someone who isn't able to control sexual impulses engages in subtle actions or phrases that build to a hostile work environment over time.
Sexual harassment in the workplace can categorize it in 4 main categories:
- Verbal Harassment
Emotional and verbal harassment at work refers to demeaning comments that are led in a sexual manner, like whistling or to bully an individual, such as giving someone a derogatory name.
Small business owners should always look out for mental and verbal harassment as it risks litigation and may reduce employee performance.
A frequent form of sexual harassment is verbal. Examples of verbal workplace sexual harassment include:
Unwelcome compliments of a sexual nature
You'll discover that the verbal behavior involves undesirable behavior that's repetitive and excessive. An isolated manic episode may not rise to the level of workplace sexual harassment. On the other hand, if one episode is egregious enough, like demanding sex to keep a job, one incident is sufficient for sexual harassment.
For verbal harassment to become a potential legal issue, it must create a hostile work environment for the employee and/or affect the employee's status with the company, such as a demotion in position or a reduction in benefits
- Nonverbal Sexual Harassment
As you would likely expect, not all sexual harassment is verbal in nature. Sexual harassment may also occur through nonverbal communication. Gestures or non-verbal behaviors could also be considered sexual harassment where they're persistent, intense, and offensive.
Examples may include:
· Sexual looks and lewd gestures, such as leering or ogling with suggestive overtones.
· Touching oneself sexually or persistent and unwelcome flirting.
Nonverbal sexual harassment doesn't involve oral communication or physical contact.
- Visual Sexual Harassment
It should come as no surprise that sexual harassment can derive from visual media.
Visual sexual harassment includes:
- Physical Sexual Harassment
The final kind of workplace sexual harassment we will talk about is physical sexual harassment.
Examples of physical sexual harassment include:
Note that physical contact isn't vital for physical sexual harassment - intrusion into your private space can be adequate. You should also notice that a voluntary touching can become undesirable. By way of instance, a handshake may begin voluntarily but become undesirable if it ceases to become a greeting and becomes an opportunistic touching.
Now look at the detail of the different type of sexual harassment at workplace
Sexual harassment isn't only physical contact or unwelcome advances.
Examples of foul language at work:
2- Sexual Advances at Work
Irrespective of how it began or how you originally reacted, unwanted advances that persist or escalate can result in a hostile working environment. Soon you want to prevent all interaction with the individual and possibly even dread coming to work.
3- Obscene Gestures In The Workplace
Non-verbal gestures may constitute sexual harassment when the behavior is sexual in nature and makes you uneasy, even if the gestures aren't specifically aimed at you.
Cases of sexual gestures which may cross the line into harassment and a hostile work environment:
4- Online Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Digital or online harassment may include derogatory phrases and sensual language, sexual come-ons, spreading lies or nasty remarks about you, sending nude or pornographic images for you, posting embarrassing photographs of you online, stalking behavior, or threats of violence:
5- Pornography on Computer Screen at Work
Computer pornography in any form (videos, photographs, animations, graphics text) could be sexual harassment:
6- Refusing Sexual Advances at Work
Among the most troubling aspects of the workplace, sexual harassment is fear of what is going to happen if you resist. Some people will not take no for an answer. Refusing the unwelcome advances of a supervisor, co-worker, vendor or client may evoke numerous responses. The individual might become even more competitive, such as sexual assault.
7- Sexual Assault in the Workplace
Any of these behaviors may constitute sexual assault in an employment setting:
8- Sexual Jokes at the Workplace
Sexual jokes that may be considered harassment may include:
9- Sexual Notes, Emails or Texts at Work
This may include communications with sexual come-ons, stalking behavior, pornographic pictures, sexual jokes or explicit speech:
10- Sexual Pictures from the Workplace
Examples of Sexual Pictures from the Workplace
11- Invasion of Privacy at Work
Kinds of activities that are considered sexual harassment throughout the invasion of privacy include:
· Sexual harassment results in a hostile work environment and frequently turn into retaliation if the victim reports it.
If you believe you have been a sexually harassed in the workplace, you should call an experienced sexual harassment lawyer for a free consultation.